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Print Driver

Print drivers are vital technologies for businesses with ongoing professional printing needs. It's not always possible for shops to handle jobs in their native file formats, since the shop must have the same program installed on their computers in order to open documents. To get around this, it's common practice to convert the file to the universal PDF document format. However, this creates a whole new set of challenges that print drivers are uniquely capable of solving.

For example, an Adobe PhotoShop document that's been carefully crafted with custom fonts and colors often cannot be accurately converted into the PDF format. During the conversion, color representation can be corrupted and fonts can change. Using a driver ensures that the document will appear as intended upon email delivery to the shop. Without the print driver, the client and the shop will have to go back-and-forth, addressing any problems with the final product individually. This is tedious and costly.

How Print Drivers Solve Document Conversion Problems

Print drivers help clients avoid these problems by ensuring that document delivery is accurate. Unfortunately, major providers of these technologies don't make them affordable for shop owners. Adobe, for example, charges tens of thousands of dollars in initial installation fees, plus monthly usage charges, for these programs. Only about 10 percent of businesses in the industry are able to afford this technology. is part of a suite of affordable and efficient web to print solutions. This company has developed its own technology, which allows for accurate document conversions to be handled via a simple email interface. The cost of this technology is much lower, and is charged on a per-usage basis, making it affordable for small business owners.

"... Without the print driver, the client and the shop will have to go back-and-forth, addressing any problems with the final product individually ..."